Quiénes Somos
Moreno, Sáez & Avilés es una firma boutique, con una destacada práctica en derecho ambiental, creada por sus socios debido al interés de iniciar un proyecto fundado en su experiencia previa en el sector público, donde lideraron el diseño e implementación de la institucionalidad ambiental actualmente vigente en Chile.
Desde su creación la firma ha sido reconocida como líder en la materia, contando con un grupo de destacados profesionales con amplia trayectoria en el sector público y privado, así como en las más prestigiosas universidades del país, lo que nos permite entregar soluciones innovadoras y ágiles para problemas complejos, proponiendo alternativas que agregan valor a los proyectos de nuestros clientes.
La consolidación de la firma, en opinión de nuestros clientes, se debe al trabajo en equipo, de excelencia, a la calidad y velocidad de respuesta, a los altos estándares éticos y al involucramiento personal y permanente de los socios.

“Moreno Sáez & Avilés Abogados are available on demand and deliver top level, timely advise.”
“Moreno Sáez & Avilés Abogados’ lawyers have great technical knowledge and are well prepared to provide clear and precise strategies.”

Chambers Latin America 2022. Environment
“Their service is efficient, quick, personalised, sophisticated and delivered on time,” according to a client, who adds:”They have excellent commercial awareness.”

Chambers Latin America 2021. Environment
“Clients are full of praise for the firm’s service, with one stating: “In addition to
having extensive knowledge and experience in environmental matters, the team always has a partner in charge of our affairs who
coordinates and proposes solutions to the problems that arise.”

Chambers Latin America 2020. Environment
“The service they provide is sophisticated, of excellent quality and very efficient.” The same client enthuses that “they are knowledgeable of the subject matter and of the authority’s requirements. In my opinion, their main strength is their creativity when it comes to designing successful environmental procedures.”

Chambers Latin America 2019. Environment
“Dynamic boutique with a flourishing presence in Chile’s environmental arena. Recognized team that is well placed to assist clients hailing from the energy, maritime and mining sectors with related disputes. Also experienced handling regulatory matters, environmental permits and negotiations with indigenous communities.”

Chambers Latin America 2018. Environment
“Recently established boutique advising on an array of environmental issues including regulatory and contentious matters, negotiations with indigenous communities and issues arising from urban planning. Advises both local and foreign companies from a broad range of sectors, including mining, energy, ports and chemical.”